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IPFS powers the Distributed Web A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open. The web of tomorrow needs IPFS today IPFS aims to surpass HTTP in order to build a better web for all of us. Today's web is inefficient and expensive HTTP downloads files from one server at a time — but peer-to-peer IPFS retrieves pieces from multiple nodes at once, enabling substantial bandwidth savings. With  up to 60% savings for video,  IPFS makes it possible to efficiently distribute high volumes of data without duplication. Today's web can't preserve humanity's history The average lifespan of a web page is 100 days  before it's gone forever. The medium of our era shouldn't be this fragile. IPFS makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring data, and thanks to content addressing, files stored using IPFS are automatically versioned. Today's web is centralized, limit...

User Locked in SAP

Lock user (unlock)

lock - is  a record in the field  uflag, "0" - the user is not locked,

To Unlock - need to switch field  uflag to "0":

SQL> select uflag from sapsr3.usr02 where mandt='000' and bname='SAP*';

Not locked:
SQL> select uflag from sapsr3.usr02 where mandt='431' and bname='USERNAME';

SQL> update sapsr3.usr02 set uflag='0' where mandt='000' and bname='DDIC';

1 row updated.

SQL> commit work;

UNLOCK your self
update sapr3.usr02 set uflag='0' where mandt='830' and bname='USER'; 
commit work;


SQL> select bcode, passcode from sapsr3.usr02 where mandt='000' and bname= 'DDIC';

---------------- ----------------------------------------
EF82F150AB6136BF 6BBFC576AC43020521E2206DBC1A0421A43E91C4

SQL> update sapsr3.usr02 set bcode='11FAF9DD879FE537',
passcode='ECB96161D5BDA8E04CE52AC886DEF5CD318869AE' where mandt='000' and bname='DDIC';


SQL> select PWDCHGDATE from sapr3.usr02 where mandt='830' and bname='USERNAME';


SQL> update sapr3.usr02 set PWDCHGDATE='20190728' where mandt='830' and bname='USERNAME';

1 row updated.


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