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IPFS powers the Distributed Web A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open. The web of tomorrow needs IPFS today IPFS aims to surpass HTTP in order to build a better web for all of us. Today's web is inefficient and expensive HTTP downloads files from one server at a time — but peer-to-peer IPFS retrieves pieces from multiple nodes at once, enabling substantial bandwidth savings. With  up to 60% savings for video,  IPFS makes it possible to efficiently distribute high volumes of data without duplication. Today's web can't preserve humanity's history The average lifespan of a web page is 100 days  before it's gone forever. The medium of our era shouldn't be this fragile. IPFS makes it simple to set up resilient networks for mirroring data, and thanks to content addressing, files stored using IPFS are automatically versioned. Today's web is centralized, limit...

Use VNC on Tunnel Linux

Please follow below documents to take VNC Session. You need to run highlighted command with Yellow on servers. Need a vnc-server installed;  it’s tigervnc-server for RHEL7 Team will start VNC server process(es) as desired May be one “shared” session for particular/common account to be used across timezones/globe May be one per actual user (A vs. B) Vncserver starts using ports at 5901, but user could specify any port number, even one in their 10,000 list of port exceptions for EIP Team must launch vncserver with the -localhost directive This prevents from binding to any network interface other than localhost Forces them to use an SSH tunnel to access the VNC server No firewall rules for any of the vnc ports, aka 5901…must be over SSH tunnel Any other VNC configuration is on the DBAs; is not a root managed daemon that is started on boot vncserver -autokill -IdleTimeout 900 -localho...

Check User in Locked in AD Domain via Linux

[root@XXXXX ~]# /opt/pbis/bin/find-user-by-name --level 2 username User info (Level-2): ==================== Name:                         username SID:                          S-1-5-21-1960408961-1844823847-1417001333-122211 UPN:                          username@xyz.COM Generated UPN:                NO DN:                           CN=xx\,XXX,OU=XX,OU=XXX,OU=01_Users,DC=aXXX,DC=ixyz,DC=com Uid:                          1971859108 Gid:                          1972229393 Gecos:                    ...


error :  kernel runs with dp version 140000(ext=121000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-140000-UC) length of sys_adm_ext is 592 bytes *** ERROR => Shared Memory Key 57 (SHM_PROFILE) already exist [dpxxdisp.c   1124] *** ERROR => dispatcher already running ???? [dpxxdisp.c   1125] *** ERROR => I better EXIT before I do any (more) damage [dpxxdisp.c   1126] Fix cleanipc <Instance Number> remove

SAP Router Installation

1. Copy d:\usr\sap\saprouter from existing server  to new server . 2. Open a command prompt with administrator rights (right click and select "run as administrator"). 3. navigate to D:\usr\sap\saprouter 4. execute the following command: D:\usr\sap\saprouter>ntscmgr install SAProuter -b d:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouter.exe -p "service -r -R d:\usr\sap\saprouter\SAPROUTTAB" Result should be: CreateService SUCCESS 5. Open SAProuter service and set startup type to "Automatic" 6. Modify SAProuter service and set Log On to "This account: .\sapadmin" and enter password. 7. Done!

Change Username expiry in Linux 7

[root@servername ~]# chage -l sp3adm Last password change                                    : Jul 23, 2019 Password expires                                        : Aug 22, 2019 Password inactive                                       : Sep 21, 2019 Account expires                                         : never Minimum number of days between password change          : 0 Maximum number of days between password change          : 30 Number of days of warning before password expires       : 7 [root@servername ~]# passwd -x ...

Install VNC Server in Linux

For installation VNC Server you need to install following rpm's yum -y install libvncserver.x86_64 tigervnc.x86_64 tigervnc-license.noarch tigervnc-icons.noarch tigervnc-server.x86_64 tigervnc-server-minimal.x86_64 motif xterm xorg-x11-apps; sed -i s/twm/mwm/g /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients; sed -i s/twm/mwm/g /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc